Sonic Rupture: songs for(e) the swarm 004

Sonic Rupture: songs for(e) the swarm 004

Workshop and Performance


Amina Ross, an exhibiting artist in the exhibition “Split My Sides.”

Due to scheduling conflicts, this performance is canceled.

Amina Ross invites participants to contribute to Sonic Rupture: songs for(e) the swarm 004, the fourth iteration of this project. This variation includes a writing workshop, experimental vocalizing exercises, and improvised performance. Inspired by Earthward Reprise, a sculptural work on view by Ross that resembles a game board, this workshop invites participants to consider how they navigate life: "How do you balance that protection with openness and vulnerability?" During the first portion of the workshop, these questions serve as prompts for participants to write and develop scores for movement. The workshop concludes as Ross leads participants through translating their scores into improvised performance atop and in relation to Earthward Reprise.