Punitive Embers

Punitive Embers


May 23rd -
June 20th, 2014


Jesse Hlebo's solo exhibition, Punitive Embers, is an experiment in crisis participation and civil suicide.


Opening Reception:
May 23rd from 7 - 10pm


The Luminary is pleased to present Punitive Embers by Jesse Hlebo.


When a vacationing Afghani Jihadi, a first generation Mexican-American border patrol officer, and a stoned, 12 year old, native New Yorker simultaneously update their Facebook status to "Why is Wikipedia blacked out?" on the same make of cell phone over free Starbucks WiFi, you know the apocalypse is already here. How are we supposed to learn about the apocalypse when the internet is down?

Jesse Hlebo is a New York City-based artist. He has exhibited, performed, and curated numerous solo and group shows internationally. Venues and spaces include the MoMA Library, MoMA PS1, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Clocktower Gallery, Museum of Arts and Design, Printed Matter, Inc, and Storefront for Art and Architecture in NYC, Family in Los Angeles, the Khyber Center for Contemporary Art and NSCAD in Halifax, Nova Scotia, among others.

Jesse is the co-founder of _ Quarterly, a publication focusing on themes of obsolescence, and is the founder of Swill Children, a small press and record label focusing on notions of value as they pertain to small run, physical objects. He is the founding editor of Paperweight, a collectively operated site devoted to facilitating a critical dialogue on, and providing resources for, independent publishing. He holds a position on P-MAG (the Printed Matter Advisory Group).

The Luminary's exhibitions are supported in part by the Regional Arts Commission and the Missouri Arts Council, a State Agency.

PastThe Luminary2014